Monday, October 20, 2008

Why You Should Pay Attention to the Physics of the Golf Swing

Golf is not a sport that you can master in just a matter of days. If you want to master the game, then you would have to be ready to exert the needed time, effort, patience, determination, and perseverance. You see, golf is not like majority of the sports, which concentrate more on the physical aspect. Golf is more of fluidity in motion, and this is very clear in the swing itself. So, if you really want to see significant improvement in your game, then you should pay attention to the physics of the golf swing.

At first bat, the game of golf would actually seem pretty easy to play. When you see professionals playing golf matches on TV, you cannot help but think to yourself, "Hey, I can do that, too!" There are even a lot of people who see the sport as all too simple, especially when compared to the more physical sports of basketball, football, and even tennis. Little do these people know that golf is just like any other game. There is still a certain science that has to be applied each time you take your stance for your shot. Just like the typical game of billiards or pool, mechanics, mathematics, and physics are involved with every shot you make.

Of course, you cannot expect to change the game's fundamental scientific principles because these are the principles behind the very game after all. All that can be done is to adjust certain aspects of the game, just like the way you would adjust certain variables a scientific equation would have. You do the necessary adjustments to make your game either easier or harder. Being the beginner, you would naturally make the adjustments to make it a whole lot easier.

So, how do you apply physics to the game? The success of your golf swing would surely have something to do with your own physical strength. This is because you can only hit your ball with just the strength that you are capable of. Physics enters the picture in the sense that your fulcrum would actually be your club when it is countered with your swing's motion and the power that comes with it. This power and motion actually comprise the torque that you can use in driving and directing the ball to where you want it to land.

In this aspect alone, the physics of the golf swing would surely be beneficial. Understand the concept behind this and you can certainly further your game.

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